Bem-vindo ao Auburn Animal Hospital (2024)

Dr. Nicholas Dodman

Distúrbios Comportamentais


Os gatos devem ser criaturas calorosas e amigáveis, buscando a aprovação do dono, acariciando e abraçando e ronronando em suas noites tranquilas em casa. Mas nem todos os gatos são tão amáveis ​​ou complacentes. Alguns têm uma agenda própria e aparentemente se recusam a aceitar um não como resposta.

Estes são os “gatos alfa”. Eles são líderes naturais; eles se recusam a ser liderados e tentam se encarregar de praticamente todas as situações. Esses gatos gostam da comida quando querem e do jeito que gostam… ou então. Eles só podem deixar você tocá-los por curtos períodos de tempo e, novamente, apenas em seus termos. Eles se rebelam quando admoestados e exigem atenção, acesso e recursos - quando o humor os leva. Você não possui um gato alfa - ele possui você, ou pelo menos ele pensa que possui.

Quando os alfas não conseguem o que querem, eles intimidam e pressionam você a agir imediatamente. Eles podem morder seu nariz ou dedos dos pés para tirá-lo da cama pela manhã. Eles podem gritar suas demandas por comida até que você seja forçado a ceder. Eles podem rosnar se forem abordados enquanto comem e alguns protegem seus brinquedos e a hora da soneca. E cuidado se você tentar pegar seu gato alfa ou acariciá-lo quando ele não estiver de bom humor. Ele pode morder ou arranhar sua mensagem negativa para você em termos inequívocos.

Talvez o componente mais clássico da síndrome do gato alfa seja a agressão induzida por carícias. Os alfas pularão no seu colo e se permitirão ser acariciados - mas apenas por um curto período de tempo. E quando eles se cansam, eles estreitam os olhos, olham de soslaio para a mão que os acaricia e seu rabo começa a balançar de um lado para o outro. Esta é a escrita na parede que anuncia um colapso iminente: de repente, ele vai golpear, morder e talvez rolar para o lado para poder atacá-lo com todas as cinco pontas afiadas simultaneamente.

O que fazer? Em essência, eles devem mostrar quem manda, quem realmente manda e quem é o fornecedor de todas as coisas boas. Então, e somente então, sua prepotência será aperfeiçoada em aceitação e respeito. O nome do programa de modificação de comportamento é "Nada na vida é de graça". É um programa de liderança de "amor duro" sem confronto, no qual o gato é obrigado a ganhar todos os bens valiosos do dono. Um pré-requisito é um mínimo de treinamento para que o gato possa ser chamado a realizar alguma tarefa antes de receber certos recursos.


·Evite todos os confrontos. Faça uma lista de situações e coisas que você faz que tornam seu gato agressivo e evite essas situações conscientemente. Se o seu gato te morder para fazer você sair da cama, deixe-o fora do quarto à noite. Você pode precisar de tampões de ouvido para abafar o barulho de miados ou arranhões de porta no início, mas a fase insistente do gato deve passar em alguns dias. Se o seu gato o morder quando está no seu colo e você o está acariciando, não o deixe subir no seu colo por um tempo até que ele aprenda algumas maneiras. Além disso, aprenda a ler os sinais de alerta e racione suas carícias.

·Treinamento. Apesar da opinião popular, é bem possível treinar um gato para responder na hora. A melhor maneira de conseguir isso é com treinamento de clicar e tratar. Todo o processo é explicado em detalhes em outro lugar neste site. O treinamento do Clicker envolve basicamente três etapas.
Passo umEnsinar ao gato que o clique de um "sapo" de plástico ou clicker anuncia a chegada de uma deliciosa comida.

Passo doisO gato aprende que pode fazer o clicker clicar executando certas ações.

Passo trêsO gato é recompensado com um clique e uma guloseima apenas se ele realizar uma ação após receber uma dica.

Tome a ação de sentar, por exemplo. Primeiro clique e trate o gato de graça. Isso é chamado de "carregar" o clicker. Em seguida, clique e recompense sentar quando isso ocorrer naturalmente. Assim que o gato entender o conceito e começar a se aproximar de você e sentar para um clique (e, portanto, uma guloseima), passe para a terceira etapa do processo, adicionando um estímulo condicional, neste caso a palavra SENTAR. Usando essa técnica, treinei minha gata para sentar na hora em três dias e ela nunca a esqueceu. Tente ensinar ao seu gato um novo "comando" por mês. Se esse curso for seguido, com o tempo você descobrirá que praticamente todos os problemas de comportamento, incluindo morder, simplesmente desaparecem.

·Sem almoço grátis. Alimente seu gato duas vezes ao dia para que você controle quando ele é alimentado. Na hora da refeição, o gato deve estar com fome. Faça-o SENTAR antes de clicar e colocar a tigela de comida na mesa. A refeição se torna a recompensa. Sem SIT = sem comida na hora da refeição. Se o gato souber SENTAR na hora, esse pedido é perfeitamente justo. Se ele acabar perdendo uma ou duas refeições, isso aumentará seu apetite e, portanto, a probabilidade de que ele responda conforme as instruções da próxima vez. Você terá feito a refeição condicionada ao gato mostrar-lhe respeito e boas maneiras. Pense nisso como exigir que o gato diga "por favor".

·Trabalhando para acariciar. Acariciar deve ser racionado para manter seu gato com fome de sua atenção. Carícias e atenção são fornecidas apenas quando o gato faz algo para merecê-las, como responder a uma sugestão de voz ou sinal manual. Isso é particularmente aconselhável se a agressão induzida por carinho for uma característica do repertório agressivo do seu gato. Mesmo que seu gato tenha um desempenho bom o suficiente para merecer carinho, esteja ciente de que a situação está se deteriorando. Olhares de soslaio furtivos e um rabo se contorcendo significam que é hora de parar. Para evitar essa situação, mantenha as sessões de carinho curtas e nunca tente sair de um momento agressivo.

·Guarde os brinquedos do seu gato e forneça-os apenas quando ele fizer algo para merecê-los. Permita que o gato tenha livre acesso ao brinquedo até que ele perca o interesse e, em seguida, pegue-o e coloque-o no baú (ou gaveta) de brinquedos.

·Jogos de ração. Por mais úteis que os jogos sejam para ajudar seu gato a desabafar, eles também são divertidos e, como tal, só devem ser usados ​​quando seu gato merece o direito.

·Nunca responda ao comportamento de busca de atenção (exigente). Aja como um idiota. Ir embora. Desaparecer. Entregue o que o gato deseja mais tarde, de acordo com seus termos e apenas em resposta à realização bem-sucedida de uma tarefa atribuída, como sentar, atender quando chamado ou esperar pacientemente.

·Serviço de bombeiros. Se o seu gato começar a tentar mordê-lo ou agir de forma agressiva de alguma forma, afaste-se da presença dele por algumas horas (vire-se, vá embora e deixe o gato sozinho) ou leve o gato para outro cômodo para dar um tempo. Se a retirada da sua companhia for o resultado das travessuras do seu gato, em vez de você se transformar em um grande brinquedo estridente, ele logo deve entender que você fala sério e não se deixará vitimar. Gatos aprendem. Você deveria também.

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Bem-vindo ao Auburn Animal Hospital (2024)


Is Auburn vet school hard to get into? ›

Each year 130 students are admitted to the four-year program for the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Alabama and Kentucky residents admitted by Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) contract students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 system on all course work attempted.

How do you answer the question why do you want to be a vet? ›

When answering the question “Why did you choose a career in veterinary medicine?” it's important to be honest and genuine. Talk about your passion for working with animals, your desire to make a difference in their lives, and any personal experiences that inspired you to pursue this career path.

How do you thank an animal hospital? ›

Thank you so much for taking such good care of our beloved family member and pet Tooners. Without all the great and kind care she received at your place she may not have survived her illness. We and Tooners appreciate all the effort that went into her recovery, Thank you!

How to deal with difficult clients in the veterinary field? ›

Consider the following tips for dealing with difficult clients in your veterinary practice.
  1. Stay calm. ...
  2. Don't take it personally. ...
  3. Listen. ...
  4. Have compassion. ...
  5. Identify the problem and try to resolve it. ...
  6. Follow up. ...
  7. Prevention. ...
  8. Know when to terminate the client relationship.

Is vet school harder than med? ›

Though aspiring med students have to take the MCAT before applying to medical school, most people agree that vet school is harder than medical school. Vet school isn't harder because it requires more strenuous work.

What is the toughest vet school to get into? ›

The University of California Davis veterinary college is probably the hardest vet school to get into in the US. The program is ranked #1 in the country and has generally high admission stats and a competitive applicant pool.

How do you ace a vet school interview? ›

You may talk about your passion for animal welfare or your interest in medicine and surgery. You can also highlight what or who inspired you to become a vet. Don't oversell yourself here; admissions committees want to see genuine people. With that being said, be confident in your responses and your abilities.

What do you say at a vet interview? ›

Tell me a little bit about yourself and why you are interested in this position. What skills and expertise can you bring to my practice that is unique from other individuals? What are your greatest strengths and what are areas you want to improve upon?

What makes me a good candidate for vet school? ›

If you've been in 4-H, FFA or a similar group, that's great experience that should go on your veterinary school admission form. Similarly, working with animals in any way can be of value. For example, volunteering at shelters or rescues can provide animal handling experience that will help make you a better candidate.

What do you say no to at the vet? ›

If you can't give pet owners what is requested or demanded, offer reassurance and reiterate that the veterinary team cares about them and their pets. For instance, you can say: “Even though we can't see Bella for three weeks, rest assured her vaccines are not overdue and she is protected.”

Do vets like it when you thank them for their service? ›

In fact, it is said so much that it has become, to many vets, an empty platitude, something you just say because it is politically correct. The simple psychology behind it is this: we don't feel like we did anything special.

What are nice things to say to vets? ›

Thank you for your service and all that you do for our country. Thank you for keeping our country safe and strong. You are very much honored and very much appreciated for all that you have done. Thank you for your courage and for putting your country first.

What is the most common complaint in a veterinary clinic? ›

Not providing sufficient or accessible information.

What are two ethical issues facing veterinarians today? ›

Some examples of veterinary ethical issues include:
  • Are surgeries such as ear cropping, declawing or debarking always appropriate?
  • Is it okay for animals to be hospitalized overnight without nurse supervision?
  • Should animals be temporarily put to sleep for radiographs to lessen human exposure?

What is unethical practice veterinary? ›

Performance of surgical or other procedures in any species for the purpose of concealing genetic defects in animals to be shown, raced, bred, or sold as breeding animals is misleading to the public and is unethical.

What makes more a vet or a doctor? ›

Doctors can work in a variety of locations, such as in a hospital, clinic or multiple locations by becoming a traveling medical professional. Pay: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), doctors make an average of $208,000 per year , while veterinarians make an average of $99,250 per year .

What kind of vet gets paid the most? ›

The highest paid veterinary specialty is: Ophthalmology

Average salaries for a veterinarian vary, but we found that the highest paid specialty in the industry is Ophthalmology, with AVMA reporting annual incomes of $199K+.

What takes longer vet or doctor? ›

For the people who pursue veterinary medicine, they can go up to four years of studies, but they can go up to five years and above for those doing medicine. Both are essential courses, but you have to trust your gut and do what you love the most. Here is a brief comparison between vet school vs. med school.

What is the failure rate for vet school? ›

98.8% of students successfully complete the program and graduate as veterinarians.

What is the shortest veterinary program? ›

Vet assistant school has the quickest completion time. You can earn your degree in as little as 9 months. This career choice works best for people who want to start a vet career as quickly as possible and gain a lot of experience.

What vet school is easiest to get into? ›

What Vet Schools Are the Easiest to Get Into?
  1. Western University of Health Sciences. ...
  2. Tuskegee University. ...
  3. Oregon State University. ...
  4. University of Guelph. ...
  5. Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine. ...
  6. University of Bristol. ...
  7. University of Queensland. ...
  8. North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine.

What percentage of vet school applicants get an interview? ›

INTERVIEW FORMAT: Veterinary schools are most likely to offer one interview to a candidate (83%). A panel interview with between two and three interviewers is the predominant format employed (92%). The interview is of 20-45 minutes duration (88%), most commonly 30 minutes (50%).

What is a weakness for a vet school interview? ›

A weakness such as “I don't care about other people” shows no compassion, care or empathy for others and ultimately undermines one of the crucial pillars of being a vet. However, explaining that “Sometimes I find that I am focused on a given task so much that I sometimes forget to check in on those around me.

How do I stand out on a vet school application? ›

Discuss how you would contribute to the profession and patient care, all of which will help you stand out from other applicants. Explain why you are good candidate for veterinary school—in a pile of 100 applications, would you enjoy reading your statement? Convey your passion for veterinary medicine in your statement.

What are two questions you would ask someone trying to get into vet school? ›

8 Common vet school interview questions
  • Why do you want to be a veterinarian? ...
  • Why do you think you would be a good veterinarian? ...
  • Why are you interested in our program? ...
  • How do you plan to overcome challenges you'll face in this field? ...
  • Do you recognize ethical issues you might face going forward?
Jan 13, 2020

What should I wear to a vet school interview? ›

When attending a vet school interview, it is important to dress professionally and conservatively. Men should wear a suit, dress shirt, tie, and dress shoes. Women should wear a business suit or professional dress with closed-toe shoes. It is recommended to avoid flashy jewelry, excessive makeup, and strong fragrances.

What is a good GPA to get into vet school? ›

The average GPA of students accepted into schools of veterinary medicine is 3.3-3.7, but schools also look for applicants to have a variety of life experiences.

What skills do I need to be a vet? ›

You'll need:
  • knowledge of animal medicine and dentistry.
  • knowledge of biology.
  • customer service skills.
  • excellent verbal communication skills.
  • to be thorough and pay attention to detail.
  • patience and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations.
  • the ability to work well with your hands.

What is the average GPA of vet students? ›

The average GPA for Veterinary school admissions is 3.54.

What makes a vet fear free? ›

Fear Free is the concept of practicing veterinary medicine that involves the reduction of feelings of stress in our patients which in return will result in a better experience for all involved — including pets, owners, and the veterinary team. Fear Free was created by “America's Veterinarian” Dr.

Can veterinary records get you in trouble? ›

Information within veterinary medical records is considered privileged and confidential. It must not be released except by court order or consent of the owner of the patient. Veterinarians are obligated to provide copies or summaries of medical records when requested by the client.

What to give vets as a thank you? ›

Handwritten notes may be one of the best gifts you can give. This is your opportunity to thank them for all they do. Use fancy stationery and add a picture of your pet to make it extra special. Handwritten notes are a keepsake that the veterinary team will cherish, especially when times get a little tough.

What are 3 ways to thank a veteran? ›

5 Ways You Can Thank a Veteran
  • Find a service opportunity in your area. Say thank you by giving your time. ...
  • Share your message of thanks through USO. Gather your friends and family together to write letters of appreciation for our veterans. ...
  • Start your own service project. ...
  • Show your patriotism. ...
  • Say “thank you."
Nov 10, 2013

What to say instead of thank you for your service to a veteran? ›

While it is customary to offer a “thank you for your service” to veterans, if you're looking for an alternative, you could instead say: “Thank you for putting your life on hold to serve our country.” “Thank you for the sacrifices you made being away from your family.”

Can you give your vet a gift? ›

While a gift may seem like a small gesture, veterinarians are often touched by this show of gratitude. “While helping an animal and pet parent feel better is often enough thanks, the gesture of a gift can't help but bring extra joy,” says Dr. Watkins.

How do you honor a veterinarian? ›

45 Ways to Honor a Vet
  1. Attend a Veteran's Day event.
  2. Ask a Veteran about their time in the military, and really listen to the answer.
  3. Hang a flag in your yard.
  4. Ask an aging Veteran to share with you the song that most takes them back.
  5. Visit the gravesite of a Veteran.

What words do you say to honor a veteran? ›

Thank you for your sacrifices, for your valor, for the things you carry, for protecting us, and for defending our rights. Thank you to all our veterans for your courage, strength and dedication to keeping us safe. Growing up in a military family, I know the sacrifice that countless men and women have made.

What is the most overlooked pet healthcare issue? ›

The Top 5 Overlooked Pet Health Problems
  1. Dental care. Roughly 80% of pets have some form of dental disease by the age of 3. ...
  2. Lumps and bumps. Get all new lumps or bumps that you notice on your pet checked out! ...
  3. Weight. An estimated 54% of dogs and cats in the United States are overweight or obese. ...
  4. Ear infections. ...
  5. Water intake.

What are the top 3 injuries to veterinarians? ›

Ergonomic and musculoskeletal hazards
  • Strains, sprains, back injuries and other repetitive motion injuries may occur when lifting, restraining, and treating animals.
  • Extensive computer use may have ergonomic risks.

What is an example of veterinary negligence? ›

the vet had agreed to treat the animal. the vet failed to meet the standard of care for treating the animal. the animal was killed, injured, or became sicker as a result of the vet's incompetence or carelessness, and.

What is the biggest challenge in veterinary medicine? ›

Biggest Challenge – The biggest challenge for the veterinary industry by far is the widespread shortage of veterinarians. The two big reasons: poor remuneration and poor job satisfaction. Poor remuneration is a necessary consequence of low production.

What is the veterinary code of ethics? ›

A veterinarian shall be influenced only by the welfare of the patient, the needs of the client, the safety of the public, and the need to uphold the public trust vested in the veterinary profession, and shall avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance thereof.

What is neglect veterinary? ›

Neglect, or a failure to provide basic needs for an animal, makes up the vast majority of cruelty cases that animal control officers respond to. Neglect often includes hoarding, lack of shelter or veterinary care, tethering and abandonment, as well as other forms of abuse.

What are the 10 most common OSHA violations in a veterinary facility? ›

Here are the top 10 OSHA violations committed by veterinary practices, as reported by AVMA PLIT.
  • No hazard communication program.
  • No certification of personal protective equipment assessment.
  • No fire and emergency plans.
  • Poor employee training documentation.
  • Lack of Safety Data Sheets.
Aug 1, 2018

What are the four pillars of veterinary ethics? ›

In veterinary ethics, the principles may read as beneficence, non-maleficence, justice (to other veterinarians, owners, the public, and animals), and respect for the autonomy of owners.

Does Auburn University have a good vet program? ›

Auburn College of Veterinary Medicine Ranked as One of Nation's Best by US News and World Report. The Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine is ranked as the number 11 veterinary program in the nation in the newly released 2023 edition of U.S. News and World Report Graduate Program Rankings.

What are the odds of getting into vet school? ›

The acceptance rate is typically between 10% and 15%. Meanwhile, 50% or more of applicants who are accepted reside in the same state as that respective veterinary college. A few veterinary schools hover right around the 50% mark while some schools take more than 80% of its accepted applicants from within its own state.

What is the average GPA for vet school acceptance? ›

What is a Good GPA for Vet school? The average GPA for Veterinary school admissions is 3.54. With a GPA of 3.6 or more, you should feel safe when applying for admissions. Top programs also look very closely at your grades in the last 45 semester/68 quarter units of your undergraduate coursework.

Can I get into vet school with a 2.5 GPA? ›

As you can see above, a GPA of 3.8 and higher is competitive at most veterinary schools. A GPA of 3.5 is pretty middle of the road. But even if you have an overall GPA of 3.3 or lower, there are still some veterinary schools that you have a shot at gaining admittance to.

What percent of veterinary students drop out? ›

98.8% of students successfully complete the program and graduate as veterinarians.

What is the oldest vet school in the US? ›

"In 1879, Iowa State University established the first public college of veterinary medicine in the United States.

What state has the best vet school? ›

1 (3)University of California, Davis *USA
2 (10)North Carolina State UniversityUSA
3 (14)Cornell University *USA
4 (15)Colorado State University, Fort Collins *USA
5 (16)University of GeorgiaUSA
93 more rows

Is vet school financially worth it? ›

Veterinary school isn't cheap, but the career can be rewarding for people who love animals. Some studies show that veterinarians enjoy their jobs more than the average worker. It's also a profession that comes with a great deal of job security and solid pay.

Is vet school a lot of math? ›

College-level calculus is required to gain admittance to many veterinary schools. According to the Dartmouth College Undergraduate Advising and Research Department, many veterinary schools require at least one term of calculus.

Does vet school require a lot of math? ›

Mathematics--The minimum requirement ranges from algebra and trigonometry to two semesters of calculus and varies with each school. Note that it is a minimum requirement. Most schools do not accept students who have not taken calculus, even if their published requirement is algebra and trigonometry (MATH 140 and 141).

What is the highest GPA you can vet? ›

Unweighted GPA results from the average of all your scores regardless of how difficult it is. It also uses the standard scale between 0 to 4.0. In this, 0 is the lowest score, and 4.0 is the highest score.

Why is it harder to get into vet school? ›

Veterinary medicine has small programs, accept fewer applicants and thus show low acceptance rate. Nonetheless, it still harder for individuals who show great academic ability to get accepted into medical school. So, the real answer is not so simple. In my opinion, the most difficult choice is the one you don't enjoy.

Can I get into vet school with a 3.2 GPA? ›

Can I Get Into Vet School With A 3.2 GPA? Although an average GPA for vet school is usually higher, yes, you can get into a vet school with a 3.2 GPA. If your application is strong in other areas, you definitely have a chance. The more veterinary experience hours that you have the better your chances are.


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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.